
Showing posts from February, 2023

Anglican critiques of revivalism: Gibson on "gradual progress and improvement in the fruits of the Spirit"

Anglican critiques of revivalism: Tillotson on "the ordinary influence of the Holy Ghost"

"To help our infirmities": the Absolution at Morning and Evening Prayer

"Promulgates the terms of pardon": the Absolution at Morning and Evening Prayer

The First Day of Lent: "who hatest nothing that thou hast made"

"To restore them that fall": the Absolution at Morning and Evening Prayer

"Signal promise": the Absolution at Morning and Evening Prayer

"Decided by the circumstances and the discretion of each particular Church": Jelf's Bampton Lectures on the liberty of national Churches

Against radical High Church populism: the 'Lay Baptism' controversy

"I mean the Offertory": Bishop Phillpotts' 1842 Visitation Charge and the offering of alms

Taylor on the Prayer Book's "wisdome and prudence" in rituals and ceremonies

"A vital doctrine of our religion": A Hackney Phalanx sermon on the last things

"In behalf of all our Reformed Brethren": the Church of England's care for the Reformed Churches during the 18th century

"Singularly sparing in the number of ritual observances": Jelf's Bampton lectures and ceremonies, some retained, some abolished

"You profess to act in it only as the commissioned ministers of Christ": Bishop Phillpotts' 1842 Visitation Charge and the ministry of private absolution

"May agree in the truth of thy holy Word": Praying the Prayer for the Church Militant with Cosin and Taylor

"That great moral chain": A Hackney Phalanx sermon upon the death of a Queen

"Supplemental to the means of grace properly so called": Jelf's Bampton Lectures and those ordinances which are not Sacraments of the Gospel

No candles on Candlemas?