Bishop Budde's sermon and TEC's progressive partisanship
Let me make one final plea, Mr. President. Millions have put their trust in you and, as you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy. The unborn children of our land should have their dignity recognised as those created in the image of God. Our God teaches us that we are to cherish life in the womb, for we were all once carried in our mothers' wombs. The unborn child should find welcome and compassion. May God grant us the strength and courage to honor the dignity of every human being, to speak the truth to one another in love and walk humbly with each other and our God for the good of all people in this nation and the world. Amen.
Of course, this was not what Bishop Budde said in her sermon. If she had said this, the adulation heaped upon her by progressives - religious and secular - in recent days would have been replaced by outrage from the very same people. There would have been no "Trump Seethes as Bishop Calls Him Out in Heartfelt Plea" headline in The New Republic. Progressives would not have been eagerly sharing the sermon on social media. And there would have been no fawning posts from Church of England clergy asking Bishop Budde to consider becoming Archbishop of Canterbury (as if it is highly unusual for Church of England bishops to attack Conservative governments on immigration policy).
What, however, is the difference between Bishop Budde's call in the National Cathedral and a sermon at such a civic service for a presidential inauguration calling for mercy for the unborn? The Scriptures and the Christian moral tradition do indeed call for mercy towards the alien and stranger. And the Scriptures and the Christian moral tradition also teach the sanctity of life in the womb: there we are known to God, loved by God, and called by God. The difference between the two stances, of course, is progressive support for the former and progressive indignation at the latter. One stance is permitted in sermons by progressive opinion: the other is rejected as a divisive reactionary view, entirely inappropriate for a sermon by an Episcopal bishop at a civic service.
The illustrates how the sermon was clearly partisan. It did not challenge Right and Left. It did not rebuke the Left for failing to heed the moral vision of the Scriptures; its only interest was in rebuking the Right. It did not call progressives as well as conservatives to examine their values and policies in light of God's exhortation to exercise mercy: it addressed this call only to conservatives and only to a policy area that conservatives are seeking to address.
When the bishop in question is clearly identified with progressive causes, and belongs to a denomination which is clearly identified with progressive causes, is it any wonder that the sermon is regarded as blatantly partisan?
Let us now consider Bishop Budde's words regarding the immigration debate:
The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings; who labor in poultry farms and meat packing plants; who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals, they – they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation. But the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors.
This is a clear statement of policy, a call for the continuation of the status quo in immigration. It is saying that immigration law should not apply to such people. It is saying that the US economy is too dependent on such people for immigration law to be upheld. As it happens, I think a very good and persuasive political and economic case can be made for this view. But it is not the job of a preacher at a civic service to provide policy recommendations. That is the vocation of those who govern and legislate: a bishop has no standing, specialist insight, or expertise on matters of public policy. Exercising prudence in assessing the various and conflicting political, legal, and economic assessments of illegal immigration is not for a bishop in the pulpit: it is nothing less than straightforward clericalism to think otherwise.
What, then, of Bishop Budde's concluding call for mercy?
I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away. And that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here. Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were all once strangers in this land.
It is indeed right, from a Christian perspective, that those who govern and uphold the law do so with mercy. In the Coronation Rite in the United Kingdom, the Archbishop of Canterbury addresses the sovereign:
Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?
Mercy does not replace law, for that would be unjust. Law is to be upheld with mercy. Bishop Budde's sermon lacked any notion whatsoever of the vocation and duty of the civil magistrate to uphold the law and thus secure the commonwealth. The civil magistrate upholding the law with mercy does not mean abandoning the rule of law. The civil magistrate upholding the law with mercy does not mean undermining the peace and security of the commonwealth.
The difficult moral decisions involved in the duty of government are why Christian liturgies pray for those who govern - and why bishops do not make public policy pronouncements from the pulpit. Governing a nation involves weighing political options, security threats, economic assessments, and legal opinions far beyond the knowledge and competency of a bishop.
How is immigration law to be upheld without having painful consequences for some families? Can those "fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands" always be guaranteed "to find compassion and welcome here" when there are grave security concerns involved? Again, such matters are far beyond a bishop's knowledge or competency. Rather, these weighty and difficult decisions are the responsibility of those who govern.
Finally, Bishop Budde's sermon took no cognizance whatsoever of the legitimate concerns within the United States regarding immigration and its management. The failure to do so only emphasises the deeply partisan nature of the sermon. For all of TEC's much vaunted commitment to inclusivity, the sermon indicated a haughty rejection of some of the poorest communities in the United States and their concerns. As Bishop Philip North has previously spoken of the same haughty progressivism in the Church of England:
The Church’s agenda is being set not by the poor, but by academia, the moneyed elites, and certain sections of the secular media. It is their preoccupations that dictate the terms of the Church’s debate, and that pose the questions that it expends its energy on answering. We then listen to the poor on condition that what they say backs up our own pre-conceived arguments. They have become for us an illustration, or a theological idea — anything other than people.
We should not forget that Bishop Budde's sermon was delivered in the National Cathedral, which proudly refers to itself as 'A House of Prayer for All People' - unless, it seems, one happens to be a working-class Republican voter with concerns about immigration.
The Bishop's sermon was yet another sign that TEC institutionally desires to be a sectarian sect for progressive opinion, despite 1/3rd of Episcopalians voting GOP. It would not be surprising if the National Cathedral ceases to be the location for future civic services at the inauguration of a Republican president: why would Republicans accept it as a future location when the ideological, partisan hostility towards conservatives is explicit? Indeed, it appears to be the case that a section of opinion in TEC would welcome such an outcome: after all, it means TEC would not have to pretend to be interested in hosting evil deplorables. The same prejudices would, we might assume, accept this leading to TEC's presence in conservative regions of the United States reducing even further.
Perhaps the most tragic aspect of this affair is that the Trump administration and its supporters do need to hear a theologically meaningful challenge to some of their rhetoric around immigration policy. The presidential campaign demonstrated this. Likewise, those responsible for immigration policy in the Trump administration need to hear a coherent, convincing Christian view that immigration law - as with any law - is to be applied with mercy; that the provisions of the law and its enforcement are to be fair and equitable, not intending to demean those who must face sanction under the law. Instead of this, Bishop Budde's sermon was a partisan progressive statement and this ensured it did not gain a hearing from the very people who needed to hear it. Progressives enthusiastically sharing the sermon on social media is evidence of this abject failure.
To prepare a sermon for a civic service knowing that it will receive enthusiastic endorsement from those who share your ideological perspective, while only angering the other side of the political divide, is a sure sign that you should not be preaching at that civic service. But when those of the other party and their supporters are only evil deplorables, why worry?
Excellent, thank you! (Sam N - for some reason I can't sign in)
ReplyDeleteThank you Sam - much appreciated.
DeleteThis is a balanced and welcome response to the Bishop's sermon, especially the response's penultimate sentence. Whilst many of the Bishop's comments were pertinent they were selectively messaged and personalised and therefore inappropriately delivered from the pulpit of a civic service.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I entirely agree that many of the Bishop's comments were indeed pertinent - but, as you suggest, the manner in which they were selectively applied was quite obviously partisan. The use of a civic service - at which the President was an invited guest - for such partisanship was entirely inappropriate.
DeleteThank you for this! I’ve been trying to understand why I’ve felt ambivalent about this and your post encapsulates my feelings. Also, I’ve noticed how much this attention is now on the bishop herself. It’s almost as if her preaching has managed to bring the attention to her, personally, as opposed to God or her actual message. This is another hallmark of an overly partisan message.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for your comment. I would have thought that a wise bishop - knowing her progressive Democrat allegiances were very well-known - what have chosen a more appropriate preacher for this civic service. Her media rounds in the days following do, unfortunately, further suggest that it was a partisan endeavour.
DeleteIt seems to me that the eulogy in praise of Trump and equating him with "God's" purpose given by Franklin Graham is muchly more subject to critical scrutiny than anything said by Bishop Budde.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile why not check out a book by Matthew Fox titled Trump & the Maga Movement as Anti-Christ.
I am rather confused by the relevance of the first part of this comment. This blog comments on Anglican matters: Franklin Graham's words are of little interest to to me. The high profile sermon of an Episcopal bishop, however, is.
DeleteIf you are referring to Graham's recent prayer for Trump, it is, of course, ridiculous: it should certainly make those of us who are Anglicans grateful for the state prayers in the Book of Common Prayer. Graham's prayer is deeply partisan - the very thing that prayers or sermons on civic occasions should not be.
As for taking seriously anything written by Matthew Fox, I am afraid that is not going to happen. His works are an indicator of the doctrinal mess afflicting TEC over recent decades.
Patiently waiting for your anti-partisan thoughts on Calvin Robinson’s radically partisan agenda
ReplyDeleteEven a very brief, cursory search of my posts on 'X' would indicate my consistent criticisms and rejection of Robinson's agenda. As I suspect you have little genuine interest in doing do, let me share one of my comments on him: "There are few words that can be used to describe abandoning your country for ideological reasons, forsaking loyalty to its historic constitutional order, and embracing messianic enthusiasm for the United States. One of these words is definitely not 'conservative'"; "culture war celebrity status is spiritually toxic"; he is among "the nuts and rabid reactionaries ... unstable Enthusiasts"; "it is either stunning ignorance or vile anti-Semitism to invoke the Crusades when referring to a Jewish member of the House of Lords". You could also look at my 'X' posts rejoicing in Muslim MPs taking the Oath of Allegiance on the Qu'ran, while CR commented disgracefully on those MPs; or my posts during the riots last Summer in the UK, when CR was speaking hatefully of Muslim and I was stating our Muslim fellow subjects of the Crown had to be protected against the mob. And, of course, whereas I value a Church with a diversity of political views, CR's desires a partisan 'anti-Woke' church - which, ironically, is not dissimilar to those on the ecclesial Left who also desire churches with a monolithic political view and allegiance.
DeleteThank you for this balanced piece. I imagine that the next inauguration will be held at the National Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.
ReplyDeleteYour comment is much appreciated, thank you. And I see that the partisan commentary continues from TEC ( If the next GOP inauguration takes in the National Basilica, TEC will have only itself to blame, but it will foolishly wear this is a badge of pride, equivalent to martyrdom. What it will represent, however, is yet another way in which TEC's cultural presence has been sacrificed in the pursuit of progressive approval.