
Showing posts from February, 2025

'Some definite truth to teach the nation': a late 19th century Old High critique of liberal Anglicanism

'At the Reformation the primitive practice was restored': on the 1662 rubric for administering the Sacrament into the hand

'Apt to expose men to the other extreme': Restoration preaching and Robert Nelson's 'Life of Dr. George Bull'

'As a National Church, limited by law': the Hookerian case for episcopacy and Restoration Episcopalian discourse

'And specially to this congregation': on moderation in prayers for bishops

'The undue depreciation of all the objective side of our religion': a late 19th century Old High critique of Evangelicalism

'We prefix prayer and invocation': the Prayer of Consecration in the Prayer Book Holy Communion

'The iniquity of the times': Nelson's 'Life of Dr. George Bull' and the defence of Episcopalian Conformity in the Cromwellian Church

Taylor the Hookerian? How Jeremy Taylor employed the Hookerian Conformist case for episcopacy

'The heart is devious': the prophet Jeremiah's sober realism and practical wisdom

'Her truly Catholic heritage': a late 19th century Old High critique of Anglo-catholicism

'In no form extant, so fully as this': the Prayer of Humble Access in the Prayer Book Holy Communion

Bull, Episcopalian Conformists, and the Cromwellian Church: Robert Nelson's 'Life of Dr. George Bull'