"God grant we may in such wise hear, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them": a Latitudinarian sermon for the Second Sunday of Advent

As an example of recognition of Advent outside of High Church circles in Restoration Anglicanism, we might consider a 1678 sermon for the Second Sunday of Advent by Latitudinarian Simon Patrick (then Rector of St Paul's, Covent Garden - pictured), preached before the King.  Patrick's use of the Collect and Epistle of the day demonstrates how the Prayer Book's observance of Advent shaped the piety of those beyond the High Church tradition:

The Holy Scriptures are so full a Storehouse of all Divine Learning, and we are so frequently exhorted to repair thither for our constant Instruction; that as there is no Excuse for those who would lock them up from the people of God, and not suffer them to look into them: so they are no less worthy to be condemned, who will not look into them when they may; nor take any care to enrich their minds with those heavenly Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge, which the Royal Psalmist thought more precious than thousands of Gold and Silver.

To correct this Negligence, Our Church now calls upon us to pray in the Collect for this Second week in Advent, that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by Patience and Comfort of his holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of Everlasting life; which is infinitely more worth than all our present possessions in this World.

Now that we may do according to our Prayers, mark I beseech you the first words of the Epistle for this day, which I have now read unto you: in which the Apostle commends to us the study of the holy Scriptures, from the Benefit we may receive by them; even by those parts of them which may seem to you perhaps very barren, or little conducing to the Profit of Christian People ...

God grant we may in such wise hear, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them, that we may bring forth Fruit with Patience; and do our Duty so faithfully to Him, to our Sovereign, to one another, and to all men, that in the end we may attain Everlasting Life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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