
Showing posts from August, 2024

'Not fortunate in passing through Mr. Keble's hands': Keble's misuse of Taylor on 'eucharistic adoration'

'To consecrate the elements': listening to Ussher, not Buchanan, on 'consecration'

'The conservator, or guardian of both the tables of the law': the Collects for the King in the 1662 Communion Office

'Consecrated to be a temple of the divinity in a singular manner': Bishop Bull on reverence of the Blessed Virgin

'In the Church we live quietly under the same roof': Burkean latitude and moderation in interpreting the Articles

To 'maintain Church of England principles': an 1862 defence of Saint Bartholomew's Day 1662

'Is the Lord sensibly present there?': Cosin against Pusey on adoration of the sacrament

'Obligatory upon us Christians': the Commandments in the Communion Office

'A most singular elect vessel of God': Bishop Bull on Protestant reverence for the Blessed Virgin Mary

Against seditious tumults: what the Church of England got wrong about the riots

Charles Inglis Day: what could contemporary Canadian Anglicanism learn from Inglis?

'The hope of glory': praying Cranmerian Morning and Evening Prayer on 15th August

'This concise and excellent form of devotion': the Collect of Purity in the Communion Office

'The largeness and freedom of his spirit': giving thanks for the eirenicism of Jeremy Taylor

The Burkean wisdom of the Preface to the 1878 Irish Prayer Book

Jeremy Taylor Week: Taylor, Ussher, and 'the best Reformed Church'