'In the Church we live quietly under the same roof': Burkean latitude and moderation in interpreting the Articles

From a 1773 speech by Burke in the House of Commons, in which he points to the gracious and generous latitude in the 18th century Church of England regarding the Articles of Religion, with particular reference to Article 17. 

There are those of the Dissenters who think more rigidly of the doctrine of the Articles relative to Predestination than others do. They sign the Article relative to it ex animo, and literally. Others allow a latitude of construction. These two parties are in the Church, as well as among the Dissenters; yet in the Church we live quietly under the same roof. I do not see why, as long as Providence gives us no further light into this great mystery, we should not leave things as the Divine Wisdom has left them.

We see here a Burkean wisdom for Anglicanism; a gracious, wise, rational latitude, after Burnet, regarding the Articles of Religion (clerical subscription to which, we must recall, was robustly defended by Burke); a recognition that probing beyond that which Divine Wisdom has revealed disturbs the Church's peace; and a quiet joy that "in the Church" differing theological perspectives, within the generous boundaries of the Articles of Religion, "live quietly under the same roof".


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