
Showing posts with the label Old High

'The Reformation is the object of their bitterest dislike': a late 19th century Old High critique of Anglo-catholicism

Old High Christmas cheer: or, why the Oxford Movement did not save Christmas

Advent, Winter days, and the Old High imagination

'Extremely slight alterations': an Old High view on the state prayers in the PECUSA BCP 1789

'At the offering of the bread and wine': interpreting the rubric regarding the bread and wine at the offertory

'The season of the year to which the good hand of our God has once more brought us round': an 1839 Old High harvest sermon

'There are few parishes in which a sermon is not preached every Lord's Day': the rubric directing a sermon at the Holy Communion

'He is virtually present': a Laudian's Reformed eucharistic theology

'The heresy of Calvin is not new': the irony of the Tractarian attempt to invoke Ratramnus

'The plainest and most instructive portions of the New Testament': the one year lectionary at the Holy Communion

'Neither on the Sacrifice nor the Presence are his views in any way similar to Mr. Keble's': Laudians against Keble

'To express veneration for the words of our Lord': the reading of the Epistle and Gospel at the Holy Communion

'Not fortunate in passing through Mr. Keble's hands': Keble's misuse of Taylor on 'eucharistic adoration'