
Showing posts from October, 2021

"All perils and dangers of this night": the Prayer Book and eerie, dark times

"Heaven and earth are a kin": Restoration and Revolution era All Saints' Day sermons

"The golden evening brightens in the west": Hallowtide piety from poets in the Anglican tradition

"To honour God in his Saints": Hallowtide approaches

Wisdom from Jeremy Taylor for Hallowtide

"All things requisite to the Priestly function": a Laudian account of ministerial priesthood

"Made manifest, outwardly and beautifully"

Sunday Mattins: means of grace

Wisdom from Jeremy Taylor: "He loves to be called the God of peace"

The sounds of Anglicanism

"Our office be from God and Christ": Laud's defence of the Hookerian vision

"To cultivate in themselves, and promote in others, quietness"

Against the sectarian temptation: parish and common prayer

Wisdom from Jeremy Taylor: "fit for communities and proper virtue"

Thanksgiving for Anglicanism in the True North: places

"And seek afresh our absolution": how the Ordinariate daily office sides with the Puritans

"The practice of the precepts of the Gospel"