
Showing posts from 2018

New Year's Day is not 'secular'

A carol, the lowly Maiden, and a native piety

"The days are nameless": the Prayer Book tradition and the Christmastide feasts

"There is more fullness in this season than any other"

A Christmas collect

"Moderate course" or populist festivity? Calvin v. Hooker at Christmas

On the eve of old St Thomas's Day

The Advent Ember Days and the agrarian vision of the Anglican Imagination

Anthony Sparrow and a Prayer Book Advent

Against Gaudete Sunday

Deep Advent: O Sapientia

Advent as preparation ... for Christmas Communion?

The ministry of the priest and the Advent of the Lord

Another reason why we need Sunday Mattins

Why should we pray Cranmer's collect for Advent II?

"Most virtuous Lady": on honouring the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

A President's funeral: there is no secular