
Showing posts from 2024

Sundays after Trinity, churchyards, and Summer days

For use at the time of a Parliamentary or Civic Election

Waterloo and Presbyterians in Philadelphia, Dick Whittington and Maryland: on cherishing old churches

'Doth not behave itself unseemly': an ordination photograph, social media, and angry ideologues

'I did not like that Clergy should meddle with matters of state': in praise of the wisdom of Anglican laity condemning political sermons

'An old Calvinistic formula': the sacramental Calvinism of Lancelot Andrewes

'Benignity of the English Prelates': praise for the Church of England in an early Protestant Episcopal ordination sermon

'He that instituted this holy ordinance was likewise the Author of the prayer': on the Lord's Prayer at the opening of the 1662 Holy Communion

'Kindle the flames of piety and charity in the Church': Bishop Bull on preaching with the spirit of Erasmus and Grotius

'Endue thy Ministers with righteousness': the absence of sacerdotalism in the historic Anglican pastoral experience

'Truly to be adored': Andrewes, James VI/I, and adoration of Christ in the holy Sacrament

'An ornament to the Reformed Church': Bramhall the Laudian on Ussher the Reformed Conformist

'It should be a notoriety in law': the disciplinary rubrics in 1662 Holy Communion

'Set them to preach in a country congregation': Bishop Bull, practical divinity, and the sermon