
Showing posts from July, 2021

'We don't preach morality' or 'godly, righteous, and sober life': which is it?

Keble: the High Church parson at Communion

What does it mean to commemorate Keble's Assize Sermon?

'There they will drink of his grace': sacramental life in the pre-1833 Church

The Old High Church tradition and the 'liberal descent' of the Glorious Revolution

'Before our eyes': how the epiclesis coheres with Reformed eucharistic theology

The Wisdom of the Prefaces: peace and concord after confusion and conflict

'Draw near with faith': beyond 'open' and 'closed' communion

'That Church which gives you the best proof of being apostolical': the English Church two decades before the Oxford Movement

'Clear reasoning, sober argument, touching exhortation': In praise of 18th century Anglican preaching

Is the collect for Independence Day racist?