
Showing posts from October, 2022

Reclaiming the spooky and eerie on All Hallows' Eve

Autumn days and Purcell's 'Thou knowest, Lord'

"Complete and faithful Scriptural preaching": Jelf's Bampton Lectures on the ministry of preaching

"All the benefits which flow from that wondrous union": Bishop Bagot's 1842 Visitation Charge and Eucharistic piety

"That discharge of duty": A Hackney Phalanx sermon for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

A Prayer for the High Court of Parliament: A serious state prayer for a serious time

The Prayer Book in German: Anglicans and Lutherans in 18th century North America

"The great means of grace": Jelf's Bampton lectures on the reading of Scripture

"In strict accordance with the articles and homilies of our Church": Bishop Bagot's 1842 Visitation Charge and the Sacraments

"Not clad in dark and equivocal expressions": a Hackney Phalanx sermon for the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

"With comfort and heavenly delight": Richard Hooker, William Smith, and Choral Evensong

Our martyrs, not Zwinglian gospellers: Heylyn's Laudian account of the Marian martyrs

"If we dare not approach Him": Jelf's Bampton Lectures on why the invocation of saints

"Definite and tangible": Bishop Bagot's 1842 Visitation Charge and Prayer Book piety

"Without precept, and without necessity, or even probable advantage": a Hackney Phalanx sermon for the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

Thanksgiving for Anglicanism in the True North: "this little Sion"

"Charity, the mother of unity": the eirenic vision of the Jacobean Church and its Supreme Governor