
Showing posts from November, 2019

Advent, to "dispel the gloom of melancholy"

Thanksgiving ... for Anglican poetry and piety in the Great Republic

"A sentence of absolution ... authoritatively uttered"

Christological confession and "an old English custom"

Common Prayer, stability, and the approach of Advent

Christmas pudding v. Integralism: what most aids the Church's mission?

"Too bold and too busy"

Against the Calvinist school-authors: a day to give thanks for the Royal Supremacy

The nature of Choral Evensong

"Hence the Creed": Cranmer's Augustinian wisdom at Mattins and Evensong

Cathedral, Common Prayer, Community: when a cathedral gets its story, our story, wrong

Seabury on Reason and Religion in the Great Republic

WWNFD: What Would Nicholas Ferrar Do?

Praying for the parish is more important than praying for the diocese

Many things are there which my eye discerneth not

Sacrifice, sacred awe, and Remembrance-tide