
Showing posts from 2025

'Nothing can be more prudent than this reserve': Phillpotts' rejection of auricular confession

'Preaching to the Congregation' by Jacobs Alberts, c.1910

Jeremy Taylor's sermon 'The Invalidity of a Late, or Deathbed Repentance': undoing the Reformation?

'An humble, lowly, penitent, and obedient heart': penitence and the Prayer Book

'There must be great trouble and contrition of spirit': a Tillotson sermon for Ash Wednesday

'Whether a man may eat a bit of bread with his drink, and yet be a good son of the church': Jeremy Taylor's critique of the law of Lenten fasting

'Every particular or national Church': Anglicanism is not defined by global structures

'Some definite truth to teach the nation': a late 19th century Old High critique of liberal Anglicanism

'At the Reformation the primitive practice was restored': on the 1662 rubric for administering the Sacrament into the hand

'Apt to expose men to the other extreme': Restoration preaching and Robert Nelson's 'Life of Dr. George Bull'

'As a National Church, limited by law': the Hookerian case for episcopacy and Restoration Episcopalian discourse

'And specially to this congregation': on moderation in prayers for bishops

'The undue depreciation of all the objective side of our religion': a late 19th century Old High critique of Evangelicalism

'We prefix prayer and invocation': the Prayer of Consecration in the Prayer Book Holy Communion

'The iniquity of the times': Nelson's 'Life of Dr. George Bull' and the defence of Episcopalian Conformity in the Cromwellian Church