
Showing posts from July, 2020

On the thirty-first day of the month, at Evensong

Why I support the ordination of women: a High Church reflection

"An unnatural war between Faith and Reason": Horsley and Anglican Enlightenment

Postliberalism: a gateway drug for Integralism

"The cleansing fount set open": Horsley on the Sacraments

Not mystery cult but "a visible society": how the Litany prays for the Church

"A real spiritual banquet": Waterland's defence of Cudworth on the Sacrament

Thomas Secker and Anglican Enlightenment

"Feast us on thy sacrifice": the Wesleys as an expression of 18th century Anglican Eucharistic piety

In Thomas Cromwell's garden, July 1538

"Making religion unamiable to others": Secker against the Weird

"The times wherein I live"

"Without consent of Parliament": the High Church critique of the Personal Rule

"This idea of a liberal descent": the Glorious Revolution, Anglican political theology, and Edmund Burke