Gloriana Day

In 1604, at the outset of the reign of James I/VI, a Black Letter commemoration was added to the Prayer Book calendar for 7th September, that of St. Evurtius.  Why the interest in an obscure bishop of ancient Gaul? It was because the commemoration of St. Evurtius happened to mark the date on which Elizabeth I was born in 1533.  It ensured that the day would be recalled with thanksgiving for the reign of Elizabeth and for the Settlement she established.

Today, in other words, is Gloriana Day. 

To mark the day, here are words from the famous 1588 sermon of Richard Bancroft (appointed Bishop of London in 1597 and Archbishop of Canterbury in 1604), defending the Elizabethan Settlement as the best expression of Magisterial Protestantism against both Puritan and Roman alternatives.

When the Queen's most excellent Majesty had first obtained the crown, (which God of his great mercy grant she may long enjoy) as a most zealous Solomon, Jehoshaphat, and Josiah, her principal care was, how to abolish all popish superstition & idolatry, and to place in her people's heart a right and true feeling of Christian religion. Wherein through the great diligence of all the godly and learned in the realm, in disputing, examining and trying of spirits, of prophets, and of their doctrines, with what notable successes her highness did proceed, they are very ignorant that know it not, and very froward and obstinate that knowing it, will not with all thankfulness acknowledge it.

All the Churches in Europe which were then reformed, understanding of our reformation, did on our behalf clap as it were their hands for joy. The Apology of the Church of England which shortly after was set forth to the justifying of our doctrine, with the reasons of our mislike of popery, hath ever since obtained principal commendation amongst all the apologies and confessions, which hitherto have been set forth by any church in Christendom. The Papists only in the beginning of Her Majesty's reign, did shew themselves to be therewith discontented. Now of later years we have gotten new adversaries. 

O Jesu Christ, who would ever have thought, that he should have lived to have heard any Protestants reprove our religion: or would ever have dreamed of such division, of intolerable bitterness against the maintainers of it? It must be confessed for a truth, that Bernard saith upon the like occasion; 'We have escaped the lions' mouths, but now are fallen into a den of dragons'. Our friends are turned to be our enemies. And you know the old saying; When brethren fall out, they grow to great extremities. The Papists did never deal with more eagerness against us than these men do now. 

They say that [quoting Thomas Cartwright], 'As the state is now of the church, we can have no right religion: that the church of England hath neither the word of God rightly preached, nor the sacraments sincerely ministered: that the truth doth but in a manner as it were behind a screen peep out amongst us: and that we have mixed together in our religion Christ and Antichrist, God and the Devil'. Divers such slanderous speeches you shall find every where in all their writings. I beseech brethren, believe them not. Or if any shall neglect this apostolical admonition, let him then likewise take part of the like reprehension; 'O you foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that you should either thus deprave or revolt from the truth'.


  1. The earliest depiction of Queen Elizabeth I as Gloriana is in the Blanche Parry Monument in Bacton Church, Herefordshire. It is proved to date from before November 1578 and so predates all the Gloriana portraits.


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