'Now is the time, to Fast more strictly': Simon Patrick, the Restoration Church, and the Lenten Fast

From Simon Patrick's A treatise of repentance and of fasting especially of the Lent-fast (1686), an indication of the seriousness with which the observance of Lent was regarded by the Restoration Church, and not just within High Church circles:

And now who sees not the reasonableness of this Observance, and the great benefit we may receive thereby? If instead of contending about it (for which, thus understood, I can see no ground) we would all set our selves to make the best use we can, of what the Church hath piously ordained, and for many Ages profitably practised ... 

And now who sees not the reasonableness of this Observance, and the great benefit we may receive thereby? If instead of contending about it (for which, thus understood, I can see no ground) we would all set our selves to make the best use we can, of what the Church hath piously ordained, and for many Ages profitably practised.

You see, how every one of us should show in all things, the reverence and the honour, which is becoming those Days, which were the procurers of so many and such good things. And therefore now, if ever, let me entreat you to expel all Worldly thoughts; and to keep the Eye of your Mind clear, and vigilant. Now is the time, to Fast more strictly; to make more earnest Prayers; to be more exact and large in confession of Sins; to be diligent in all the actions of Piety; to give Alms more liberally; to exercise the strictest Patience, Forbearance, Meekness, and all other Virtue: That coming with these accomplishments unto Easter-day, we may partake of the bounty of the Lord.


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