The Articles of Religion, the blessing of Providence

Following on from yesterday's post, another example of High Church rejoicing in the Church of Ireland's adoption of the Articles of Religion in 1634, replacing the Irish Articles.  From Richard Mant's History of the Church of Ireland (1840), moving from lament to thanksgiving:

the Reformed Church of Ireland ... the soundness of whose religious profession was also in some degree committed by incorporating with it the modern inventions of the Genevan reformer through the medium of the Lambeth Articles. But by the blessing of Providence this evil was not permitted to be of long continuance: being obliterated in the succeeding reign by a recurrence to “the Apostles' doctrine,” concerning God's will in man's salvation, as avowed in the professions of the early Christians, and perpetuated in the Articles of the Church of England.

It is rather appropriate that this High Church celebration of the Irish Church's adoption of the Articles of Religion appeared in a work published in the year before the appearance of the infamous Tract XC, a reminder of how that Tract was a profound rupture with the High Church tradition.


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