
Showing posts from May, 2022

"The nature of that future happiness": A Hackney Phalanx sermon for the Sunday after Ascension

"Reflecting the features of the primitive Church": An Old High Sermon during the Tract XC Controversy

"Enthusiasm had its downfall": a 1722 Oak Apple Day sermon

"This day's grateful celebration": A Hackney Phalanx sermon for Holy Thursday

"The benefit of absolution": a Laudian view of the absolution at Mattins and Evensong

"Gradual renewal and recovery": A Hackney Phalanx sermon for Rogation Sunday

Mole, Anglicanism, and Rogationtide

"The breath of religion": Donne on ceremonies

Order, decency, modesty: how the Laudians agreed with Cranmer on ceremonies

'Against Puritanism and Popery': Laudian continuity with earlier Conformity

"The true importance of the spiritual hope": A Hackney Phalanx sermon for the Fourth Sunday after Easter

"Our venerable Reformers": Jelf, the Old High tradition, and the Tract XC controversy

Review: Stephen Hampton 'Anti-Arminians: The Anglican Reformed Tradition from Charles II to George I'

'We do not dream of anabaptistical perfection': Bramhall and the modesty of the Laudian vision of the Church Catholic

"A course more calm and moderate": in praise of the via Elizabeth

"They who travel in one company": a Hackney Phalanx sermon for the Third Sunday after Easter

"Our own holy Apostolic Church, as she is": an Old High sermon during the Tract XC controversy

Bread first? Overthrowing the nature of a Sacrament