
Showing posts from April, 2023

"A High Churchman of the old school": Lonsdale and Old High/New Low

"No such infallibility for any church": Le Mesurier's Bampton Lectures and the Hookerian vision

Arvo Pàˆrt and the 'holy minimalism' of the Old High tradition

The Confession at Mattins and Evensong: "whole head sick, whole heart faint"

"Bringing forth fruits meet for repentance": An early PECUSA Eastertide sermon

"With order and decency": Archbishop Howley's defence of quiet, modest Prayer Book worship

"The means of grace are not yet exhausted": Jelf's 1844 Bampton Lectures on ministration at the hour of death

The Confession at Mattins and Evensong: "correspondent affections"

The resonance and relevance of Cranmerian Morning and Evening Prayer

"Made meet for the heavenly inheritance": an early PECUSA Eastertide sermon

Easter Day with Jeremy Taylor: "Grace and Glory give us a new signature"

Easter Even with Jeremy Taylor: "to triumph over the gates of hell"

Good Friday with Jeremy Taylor: "now every circumstance was a triumph"

Holy Week with Jeremy Taylor: "Faith feeds upon the mystery itself"

Holy Week with Jeremy Taylor: "the sum of Christian religion"

Holy Week with Jeremy Taylor: "For this it was that he was born and died"

Holy Week with Jeremy Taylor: "be pitiful and gracious to thy servant"

Holy Week with Jeremy Taylor: "And now begins that great triumph"