
Showing posts from September, 2024

'The Lord is in this place': wilderness times and the ministry of the holy angels

'Repose and toleration in the maternal bosom of Christian charity': the Burkean vision of 18th century Anglican comprehension

'Views sustained in the Church of England, and in this Church': William White's 'Commentaries Suited to Occasions of Ordination', early PECUSA, and 18th century Anglicanism

'There are few parishes in which a sermon is not preached every Lord's Day': the rubric directing a sermon at the Holy Communion

'Great instruments of the Divine Providence': Bishop Bull on the holy angels

'This transitory life': Autumn days and the Book of Common Prayer

'He is virtually present': a Laudian's Reformed eucharistic theology

'There is that sacramental union': Ussher the Reformed Conformist and the Sacrament of Baptism

'No continuation of the Gospel': the Nicene Creed at the Holy Communion

'Together with her we shall be indeed blessed': Bishop Bull echoing Augustine, Calvin, and Jewel

'In the midst of life we are in death': the Prayer Book against the tyranny of toxic positivity

Yale Apostasy Day: Anglicanism with a New England character

'The heresy of Calvin is not new': the irony of the Tractarian attempt to invoke Ratramnus