
Showing posts from February, 2022

Baptism, Lent, and the gift of life in Christ: A sermon for the Sunday before Lent

"Christ Himself": Jewel and Anglican-Lutheran Eucharistic Agreement

Looking in a northerly direction on Saint Matthias's Day

Bramhall: "We refuse no communion with any Catholic Christians at this day"

"Return back to the ground of faith and duty": A Hackney Phalanx sermon for Sexagesima

Preparing for the season of healing: a homily for the Second Sunday before Lent

Altare Domini: In 1662 'Table' means 'Altar'

Laud: our Cyprian

"It is high time both for you and us to renounce our own merits": Bramhall and a robustly Christocentric Reformed Catholicism

"That work of renewal and recovery": A Hackney Phalanx sermon for Septuagesima

"A kind of transubstantiation": Hooker and the fruit of the Eucharist

Mensa Domini: 1662's use of 'Table' is not low church

"The constant tradition of the Primitive Church": Bramhall echoing the East

"A way mystical and supernatural": the priest as theologian

"We acknowledge a representation of that sacrifice to God the Father": Bramhall on the Eucharistic sacrifice

Turning towards the Paschal Mystery: a homily for the Fourth Sunday before Lent

The Prayer Book's theology of eucharistic consecration: Why individual cups should be rejected